Fund Drive

Our annual fund drive began on 06/01/2023.

The support of parents and community is a keynote in making the Choral Program at Sycamore HS a success!  Please join us with your donation to the Vocal Boosters!

Your donation is designated to...

-purchase and maintain concert attire

-acquire music and equipment

-cover instrumentalist and choreographer fees

-provide for concert decorations and receptions, awards

-offer opportunities for students to experience visiting artists

-offer scholarships, program book printing, choir parties and in any way to enrich the choral music experience of our students!

Your donations are critical!

For more information about the Choral Program and performance schedule, contact Ken Holdt, Choir Director at or 513.686.1770x6601

Our Goal is


We Are

100% There!

We Appreciate Our Patrons!

Benefactor Level

Ken & Amber Holdt
Terri & Raghu Srinivasan

Underwriter Level

Chair Level

The Walker Family
Rodney and Rebecca Roof

Diva Level

Jae & Marcia Amos
Kyle Ballman
Rob and Leslie Calabrese
Mark and Amy Christenson
Brad and Tami Comerford
Lara & Jason Gonzalez
Jonah Knobler
Mary Naylor
Group Travel Planners
Rashmi & Ratan Tadiparthi
Jamie Gibson & Tim Ferrier
Joan Villani
Beth & Ryan Weber
Jonathan & Kam Wick

Star Level

Leslie & Rob Calabrese
Genovese Family
Amy Gray
Susan Heitmeyer
Mary and John Kmet
Peggy Schramm

Soloist Level

Leslie & Rob Calabrese
Miriam Chowdhury
Faith Coman
Ann Howard
Alex Joseph
Cara Killgore
Megan Lee
Alpa Sawnani
Nicolette Vanderklaauw
John & Mary VanOsdol
Ann Walker

Quartet Level

Faith Coman
Faith Coman
Betsy Finn

Choir Level

Angela Mazzi
Jill Jackson

Patron Levels

Custom Level

$ Any
  • Any Amount
  • No one can put you in a box. 
    After all, one size does NOT fit all!

  • Thank You!

Quartet Level

$ 15
  • Donate $15
  • Join others in becoming
    part of the ensemble!

  • Thank You!

Soloist Level

$ 25
  • Donate $25
  • You've stepped out front
    and become a soloist!

  • Thank You!

Star Level

$ 50
  • Donate $50
  • You're a Star!

  • Thank You!

Diva Level

$ 100
  • Donate $100
  • It's time for your spotlight!

  • Thank You!

Chair Level

$ 250
  • Donate $250
  • Join others in becoming
    part of the ensemble!

  • Thank You!

Underwriter Level

$ 500
  • Donate $500
  • You're in the big time now,
    you Underwriter!

    Thank You!

Benefactor Level

$ 999
  • Donate $999
  • You have set the stage
    Applause can be heard!

  • Thank You!